The way you add new users to your LockedOn account is by sending an invitation. Every individual who uses LockedOn should have their own user account - it is vital to maintain clean data, manage your agency securely and ensure your marketing is accurate.
Inviting a new user
Click on the dropdown menu in the top right of LockedOn
Select Office Settings
Select the Users tab
Click Invite New User.
If you have no invitations remaining, you have reached your user limit and will need to upgrade your subscription. Contact LockedOn to update your subscription.
Selecting a user role
The user role will determine the level of access this new user will have:
Office Administrators have full access to the entire LockedOn account - including all data and settings (Engine, billing etc) regardless of who this data is assigned to.
Office Users have access to their own data only. They do not have access to agency settings or the Engine section.
Select a role which suits the new user - typically Administrators are limited to agency owners and high level managers, while Office Users are for agents and staff.
You can update and tweak user roles after the new user is created, if you need to.
Last step - sending the invitation
Enter the first name of the invitee and their email address
Click Send Invite.
The invitee will receive an email with information and a link to complete their user profile, and begin using LockedOn as part of your agency.
You can view pending invitations and resend the invitation email in the Users tab.