You can build your own article in LockedOn or link to an existing online article. If you are linking to an existing article, please ensure you have your online article opened in a separate tab to allow you to copy and paste into LockedOn fluidly.
Creating a new article
Go to the Marketing section of your LockedOn.
In the Articles box, click green Add button.
Enter a Heading for your article
Enter the article main text into the box below, ensuring your format your paragraphs correctly.
Click the Upload Article Image button and select an image from your desktop.
This will now open the image editor. Make any changes you need here ie crop, zoom, filter etc and click the green Save button in the top right corner.
Above the Article Image section, you will see the Visibility box. Change the visibility to Published to send your article live.
Click the green Update button at the bottom to finalise all changes.
Adding an existing online article
Highlight the heading of your article and hold ctrl + c to copy it.
Go to the Marketing section of your LockedOn.
In the Articles box, click green Add button.
Right click in the Heading box and select Paste As Plain Text.
Going back to your article, highlight the first one or two paragraphs and hold
ctrl + c to copy it.
Returning to your LockedOn, right click in the main text box and select Paste As Plain Text.
Edit the formatting to suit ie remove any extra lines/spaces etc.
Click the +Add Url button so a new url box appears below the button.
Copy the Url from the article and paste it into that box on LockedOn.
Right click on the image in the article and select Save Image As. Save this image to your desktop.
Click the Upload Article Image button in LockedOn and select the image you just saved to your desktop.
This will now open the image editor. Make any changes you need here ie crop, zoom, filter etc and click the green Save button in the top right corner.
Above the Article Image section, you will see the Visibility box. Change the visibility to Published to send your article live.
Click the green Update button at the bottom to finalise all changes.
Please note: you do not need to copy and paste the entire article into LockedOn. The first one or two paragraphs is enough when combined with the web link.