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Setting Office Default Templates

How to set default templates that will automatically be loaded whenever you go to send an email, SMS, sales advice or invoice.

Iain French avatar
Written by Iain French
Updated over a week ago

Office default templates are email, letter or sms templates that are used most frequently within your office to communicate with your clients. Setting office defaults not only saves you time when corresponding with clients, but also ensures consistency amongst office users.

What templates can I set defaults for?

  • Email

  • Sms

  • Sales Advice Letter

  • Vendor Report

  • Invoice

Some defaults such as the Sales Advice and Invoice template defaults MUST be set in order for the print option to become available.

How it works

Once your defaults are set, you will be able correspond with your clients quickly and easily.

When you go to print a sales advice, invoice or vendor report for example, LockedOn will know exactly how you want this letter formatted and what information to merge into the letter based on the template you have selected.

When you go to send an email or sms to a client, rather than selecting a template manually in the template dropdown box, LockedOn will auto select the default template you have chosen in your office settings.

How to set Default Templates

First of all, you will need to be an admin user in order to set default templates. If you are not an admin user, please ask an admin user to set this up for you. If you are an admin user please follow the steps below.

  • Click on your username in the top right corner and select Office Settings. This will take you to the General tab.

  • Switch to the Settings tab and scroll all the way to the bottom until you see the Office section.

  • Here you will see the designated boxes for each default template ie Default Email Template, Default SMS Template etc.

  • To set the default, simply click on the relevant dropdown box and select the appropriate template from the list.

  • Once you have selected these, you can hit the Save Setting button at the bottom.

Note: Blank Email and SMS templates along with pre built Sales Advice, Invoice and Vendor Report templates are all pre installed for your convenience. Simply select them from the dropdown or select a template you have pre built yourself.


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