The invoice feature of LockedOn is an invaluable tool, designed to help you keep track of all expenses and payments made for each listing.
There are a few crucial steps that must be taken before this feature can be used so be sure to follow the steps below asap. Note however, that these settings can only be accessed by an admin user.
Setting Default Template
In order for LockedOn to know how you want your invoices formatted, you must select a default invoice template. If you don't currently have an office invoice template saved to your LockedOn, you can select the prebuilt and installed LockedOn invoice template which will merge with all of the branding you have saved in your office settings.
To select the template;
Click on your username in the top right corner and select Office Settings.
This will have you in the General tab. Click into the Settings tab.
Scroll to the bottom of the page where you will see a section marked Office.
Click on the dropdown box for Default Invoice and select the template of choice.
Be sure to click the green Save Setting button at the bottom of the page.
Adding Bank Details and ABN details
To ensure your client knows how to pay this invoice, you will need to save your bank details in your office settings tab. To do this,
Click on your username in the top right corner and select Office Settings.
This will have you in the General tab. Scroll all the way to the bottom of the page.
In the section marked Identifiers, click the + Add Identifier button.
Enter in the Type as ABN, along with the Number and Issuer as ATO.
Click the green Update General Information button at the bottom of the page.
Once you have saved this information, you can move on to saving your bank details.
Click into the Bank Details tab.
Enter Account Name, Bank name, BSB and Account Number.
Click the green Update Banking Details button at the bottom.
Now you have set up and saved all the necessary details for your invoices. Please refer to article titled "Creating an invoice" for further instructions on how to use your newly added settings.