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Creating a Hit List

How to create a list of clients that you can work through quickly ie call list or data cleaning list.

Iain French avatar
Written by Iain French
Updated over a week ago

What is a Hit List?

A Hit List is a digital list of multiple clients, often used as a checklist of calls to be made (Phone Call List) or to clean and maintain data (Default List).

How does it work?

The Hit List feature collates all of the client files you have selected into a simple toolbar along the top of your screen. Here you can quickly access each client file, make any notes or changes to that file and then quickly move to the next client on the list.

How to create a Hit List.

  • Search/select the clients you wish to have in your list (if you are unsure how to do this, please review articles on filtering searches)

  • Click the Action button in the top right corner.

  • Select Create Hit List.

  • Give this list a label and select if it is a Phone Call list or a Default (data cleaning) list.

  • Click the green Create Hit List button.

  • Your hit list will now appear at the top of your screen. Your first client will appear with Actions and Next Item buttons below their name. Your remaining clients will appear to the right.

Actions you can perform directly from the hit list

Once you have your hit list along the top of your screen, you can work through each client one by one. Simply click the Actions button below the name of your first client and select from the options below:

  • View Summary - If you are cleaning/maintaining data we recommend using this option as it will take you directly into the summary tab of the client file. This is also great for quickly reading through the most recent notes for this client before making a call.

  • Add Note - make a quick note against the client file keep

  • Add Task - schedule a follow up letter, phone call, sms, email or reminder task against this client.

  • View Contacts - this will show you the client contact details including phone, mobile, email and address.

  • Send Email, SMS or Letter - send supporting documentation right away.

Once you have done all you can with that first client, simply click the Next Item button within the hit list bar and select from the following:

Phone call Lists ONLY

  • Contacted - you actually spoke to this person.

  • Unavailable - you did not speak to this client or their voicemail.

  • Left a message - you did not speak directly to this client but left a message for them to return your call.

Please note: when making phone calls we strongly recommend you make notes on the client file regarding the outcome of the call before selecting one of the options above.

Default Lists ONLY

  • Complete - you completed all tasks required for this client.

  • Skip - there is more work to be done on this file at a later date.

Keep working through each client in your hit list as above until complete.

Saving and returning to this particular hit list

If you run out of time to complete your hit list in one sitting, the list and any progress you have made on it, will be automatically be saved to your LockedOn. This means you can re launch the same hit list at any time.

  • Go to the Tasks section (banner icon on the left side toolbar)

  • Select the Hit List tab.

All past hit lists created by you will now appear. The stats for each list will appear to the right of the title.

To re launch a list exactly where you left off, simply click the Launch button to the right of the list stats.

If you are revisiting this list after more than 24 hours, you may wish to include those clients that were skipped, unavailable or that you left a message for the first time around. To do this,

  • Click the downward facing arrow to the right of the Launch button

  • Select Reset Unavailable, Left Message or Skipped (where applicable)

  • Click Launch to re open the hit list.

This will now show the hit list across the top of your screen, including all those that were originally remaining as well as those you have just reset.

You can refresh the entire list at any time by clicking the downward facing arrow to the right of the Launch button and selecting Refresh List.

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