To use the SMS features in LockedOn, you require an account with a third party called MessageNet. They will supply you a username and password and will be responsible for all of your sms invoicing.
There are two ways in which this can be structured.
Whole office shares one Messagenet account and therefore the office is invoiced for all usage.
Each agent can create their own Messagenet account and be responsible for their own invoices.
Office Messagenet Accounts
Only admin users can create/edit the office Messagenet account. If your office doesn't have an existing MessageNet account, an admin can create one quickly and easily via LockedOn by following the process below.
Go to your LockedOn Engine
Select View All within the Integrations box
Click the Configure button within the MessageNet box. This will open a side menu from the right.
In the side menu, click the Need an account? Click here button. This will open a short form in a new tab.
Fill in the form with your details and click the Register Now & Start Messaging button at the bottom. MessageNet will then forward you an email containing your username and password.
Linking your Offices' MessageNet account to LockedOn
If your office already has a MessageNet account or you have received the username and password details of your newly created account, you can link this service to your LockedOn.
Go to your LockedOn Engine
Select View All within the Integrations box
Click the Configure button within the MessageNet box. This will open a side menu from the right.
Enter your MessageNet username and password and your mobile number.
Choose where to receive your clients replies. You can select to have them sent to your email address or back to your mobile number by turning on the relevant switch.
Click the green Edit Integration button at the bottom and you are all set to sms!
Please note: New Zealand clients must have replies sent back to email only.
Individual Agent MessageNet Accounts
If your office has requested all agents have their own Messagenet Account, each user will need to create or link their own MessageNet details to their LockedOn profile.
To create a new individual MessageNet account
Click on your username in the top right hand corner
Select My Details
Go to the Integrations tab
Click the Configure button within the MessageNet box. This will open a side menu from the right.
In the side menu, click the Need an account? Click here button. This will open a short form in a new tab.
Fill in the form with your details and click the Register Now & Start Messaging button at the bottom. MessageNet will then forward you an email containing your username and password.
Linking your individual MessageNet account to LockedOn
If you already have a MessageNet account or you have received the username and password details of your newly created account, you can link this service to your LockedOn.
Click on your username in the top right hand corner
Select My Details
Go to the Integrations tab
Click the Configure button within the MessageNet box. This will open a side menu from the right.
Enter your MessageNet username and password and your mobile number.
Choose where to receive your clients replies. You can select to have them sent to your email address or back to your mobile number by turning on the relevant switch.
Click the green Edit Integration button at the bottom and you are all set to sms!