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Bulk email reports and stats
Bulk email reports and stats

Where to find open rates and other statistics for each of your bulk emails and how they can increase your client management success.

Iain French avatar
Written by Iain French
Updated over a week ago

Bulk emails are a fantastic way to maintain relationships with large numbers of clients in a very time efficient way. But with so many recipients, how do you remember who you sent the email to? If they opened it? If a particular property, button or article grabbed their interest?

The email reports section of LockedOn not only provides a record of who the email was sent to and when, but breaks this information down for you even further!

To find out more about your bulk email,

  • go to the Reports section of your LockedOn (graph symbol on left of screen.)

  • move to the Emails tab

  • click the Details button to the right of the relevant email to see the overall statistics.

Here you will see a summary of your overall open rates and peak interest times.

Top tip - if you notice 5pm has high open rates, be sure to send the majority of your future emails around 5pm.

Top 5 Links

The top 5 section offers fantastic insight as to what particular content within your email is creating the most interest. You can see how all of your links performed by clicking on the Show All button next to the heading Top 5 Links.

For even more information, you can click on the number of clicks below the link title and get a full list of all the people that viewed this particular link. For example, you might include a guide on Getting your property ready for sale. The people that click on that link may be considering selling soon so target them for that purpose.

Once you have that list of people you can

  • create a call hitlist using the action button in the top right corner or

  • send them an sms by clicking the send button in the top right corner and selecting send sms.

Property performance

The report will show the top 5 properties featured in your email (if applicable) based on the highest number of clicks. If you would like to see how all of your properties performed in this email, click the show all button next to the heading Top 5 Properties.

For even more information, you can click on the number of clicks below the property address and get a full list of all the people that viewed this particular property. You might like to send these people an open for inspection invite or call to see if they were comparing it to their own property.

Once you have that list of people you can

  • create a call hitlist using the action button in the top right corner or

  • send them an sms by clicking the send button in the top right corner and selecting send sms.

These click stats are equally as useful for properties that are not receiving clicks as it can be used to assist in vendor management. Perhaps the pricing is off or the marketing needs to be revamped.

Most Active Recipients

These are your motivated and interested clients, the ones watching the market closely and opening multiple sections of your email. These are clients definitely worth contacting. To make that easy, the client contact details are shown within the report.


For a general list of all the clients that were sent this email, move to the recipients tab.

  • Filter this list further to show only those that bounced, failed or were left unopened by using the filter icon at the top of the recipient list. You may wish to contact these clients to confirm you have the right email address on file or to remind them to check their inbox.

  • Once you have filtered the list you can create a call hitlist using the action button in the top right corner or

  • send them an sms by clicking the send button in the top right corner and selecting send sms.

Resending failed bulk email

If for any reason your bulk email fails for 1 or more client, there is an option to resend that original email a second time, directly from the reports section.

  • As per above, find the name of the bulk email in your Email Reports section.

  • To the right of the details button is a downward facing arrow. Click this.

  • Select Retry Failed

Cancel Bulk Email

If for any reason, a bulk email (automated or manual) needs to be cancelled before or during its send;

  • As per above, find the name of the bulk email in your Email Reports section.

  • To the right of the details button is a downward facing arrow. Click this.

  • Select Cancel

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