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Linking a property to an owner
Linking a property to an owner

How to link a new or existing property to a client as the owner.

Iain French avatar
Written by Iain French
Updated over a week ago

Linking (or assigning) a property to a client indicates they are the owner of this property. This link is an important part of the property lifecycle, at every stage. There is no limit to how many properties can be assigned to a client or how many owners can be assigned to each property.

Linking a property

There are a number of ways you can link a property to a client, from various sections of LockedOn.

From the clients section

Firstly check if this property has already been linked to your client. To do this,

  • Search/select the client you wish to link property to.

  • Go to the Properties tab within this client file.

  • This will default to the Vendor tab.

  • If there are no properties linked, click the Link Property button

If the owner has properties in their vendor tab but the address of the property you want to link does not appear in the list;

  • Click the green Action button in the top right corner

  • Select Link Property.

  • From here you can either Create a new property file (property not already saved in your properties database) or select from Existing Properties (property file already saved in your database)

New Property File

  • If you are linking a property the owner does NOT live in or receive postage to, select the Add Property button.

If you wish to create a new property file, you have will have two options. If you are linking the property saved as the clients postal address (their residential address NOT a PO box), click the Add Postal Address button.

Existing Property File

If you wish to select from existing properties, click the Add to existing properties button.

  • Simply start typing the property address in the property box and select the desired property from the dropdown menu when it appear.

  • Click the green Link Property button.

From the Properties section

Existing Property File

  • Search for the property you wish to link an owner to. If no vendor is currently assigned to this property, you can click the Assign Vendor button on the appropriate property from the list.

While adding a new property

  • Click on Properties in the main menu

  • Click on Actions, then Add Property

  • Under the Select Vendor field, type to search for the client you wish to link.

Adding multiple vendors

There is no limit on how many client files can be linked to each property as a vendor. If the property you are looking for already has a vendor assigned and you need to add another;

  • Search/select the property you wish to link an owner to

  • Click Add Vendor the right hand sidebar

  • Under Select Client, start typing the name of the client you wish to link and select it from the drop down once it appears and click the green Link Client button.

Viewing linked properties

You can view all the properties that are linked to a particular client in the Properties > Vendor tab of every client.

Client's postal address

While you can set a postal address to a clients contact card, this is solely for marketing and informational purposes. It does NOT assign a property file for this address to this client.

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