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Adding an appraisal
Adding an appraisal

How to add a new appraisal

Iain French avatar
Written by Iain French
Updated over a week ago

Congratulations, you're getting in the door! Adding the details of this appraisal into your database will allow you to keep clear records of each appraisal, target your marketing towards potential sellers and with the introduction of LockedOn plus features, you will even be able to send a digital pre listing kit to your potential vendors before you walk through their door.

Before you start

Make sure you have a property file with the status of Potential already saved in your database for this address. You will also need to ensure you have linked your potential vendors client file to this property record. Please refer to the article here for instructions on how to do so.

Pre Appraisal Appointment

When you are booking your appraisal,

  • search/select the relevant address in your LockedOn properties section

  • Go to the Information tab and be sure to confirm the property details with your client. The main things to look for here are the property type, number of beds, baths and car spaces and full address.

  • Click the green Update General Information button at the bottom of the page.

  • Move to the Lifecycle tab which will automatically place you within the Appraisal section of the property file.

Please note; If you find there are details of a previous appraisal saved, click the Create New Appraisal button before entering your current appraisal details.

  • Click the Set Appointment Time option. This will open the side menu from the right

  • Enter in a Meeting title, Date, Time, and Duration.

  • If you are having an online meeting rather than face to face, you can save the link to that here as well.

  • If the meeting will be held anywhere other than the property itself, save that in the Meeting Venue section.

  • Be sure to click the green Set Appointment button at the bottom of the side menu.

  • If there are any special notes to remember prior to the appointment, save them in the Appraisal notes section, but be sure to click the Finished button below it before clicking the Update Current Appraisal button.

  • Click the Update Current Appraisal button.

The last thing to check is that your vendor details are all correct. On the right hand side, you will see your vendors name and contact details. If you need to make changes to these details simply click on the vendor name and it will take you into their client file.

Your appraisal appointment is now saved. You may wish to add that to your LockedOn calendar to ensure you don't forget. For information on how to do so, please read the article here.

If you are a LockedOn plus member, now is the time to send your digital pre listing kit. For information regarding this kit, please click here.

Post Appraisal

When you return from your appraisal appointment, you can record the details of the appraisal itself.

  • Search/select the relevant address in your LockedOn properties section.

  • Go to the Lifecycle tab which will automatically place you within the Appraisal section of the property file.

  • Enter the following details

    • Their Price - what price is the vendor hoping to achieve. Numerals only.

    • Your MINIMUM appraised price. Numerals only.

    • Your MAXIMUM appraised price. Numeral only.

    • The Commission Rate you proposed to your potential vendor - this can be set as either set dollar amount or as a percentage using the $/% icons to the left and right of the commission rate box

    • Notes relating to the appraisal appointment ie vendor questions, concerns etc

  • Click the green Update Current Appraisal button.

If your property previously had a status of Potential, please update it to Appraised now. For more information on how to update property status please click here.

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